A pre-work return to work

I made a trip onto campus today to visit the office, with the baby in tow. It was lovely to brighten up people’s days with a happy 12 week old over lunchtime!

While I was also able to download 3 months’ worth of Windows updates in advance of actually being able to do anything at my desk from next week it also reminded me of how important keep in touch (“KIT”) days are to employees on maternity, paternity, shared parental and parental leave.

I may have “only” taken 12 weeks off and remain aware of key things happening in relation to my work (not least with some time put towards my PhD when it’s been possible around a newborn) but it is only natural for anyone to have some back to work anxiety after a period of parental leave.

I’ve often heard of KIT days being little more than people being required to “put a shift in” at work. They are however much more than that, and for me, my trip in today was a reminder that both work and me are fundamentally the same after a summer of big changes. As well as having a new addition to the family, my eldest child also started school this month.

Managing work around a 3 month old baby (not least one who I plan to exclusively breastfeed for as long as possible) will be demanding, but with shared parental leave to ease that burden and today’s time to actually think about the new dynamic in and around my working life, angst that might have crept in has been assuaged and I can enjoy my last week off with my still very new wee one.


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