Annual Career Guidance Research Symposium 2017

The annual University of the West of Scotland (UWS), Edinburgh Napier University and Skills Development Scotland Career Guidance Research Symposium was held yesterday, 15th March 2017, at UWS in Paisley. 

The theme of the symposium was equality and inclusion in career guidance and development, with the title: Supporting Inclusive Professional Practice Through Research

My Keynote speech will be available here in due course. In the meantime, here is a news story about the event from Skills Development Scotland and a couple of photos from the day. 

Selected Speakers (L-R): Dr. Pete Robertson (Napier) , Susan Meldrum (Napier), Emma Bolger (UWS), Dr. Marjorie McCrory (UWS), Professor Chik Collins (UWS), Leann Kelly (UWS/SAMH)
Emma Bolger, Keynote Speech


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