Domestic abuse and career guidance practice

At this week's Career Guidance and Development CPD Conference Scotland, I presented, for the first time, my work to date on domestic abuse and career guidance practice.

Firstly, thank you to everyone who, despite it being the last workshop of the day, stayed to fill the room and engage with the topic. I think this demonstrates how permeating this topic is. As I said in my presentation 1-in-4 people will encounter domestic abuse in their lifetime, this includes all of us, practitioners and clients alike.

The slides I used are available at the link below and include links to sources of support here in Scotland:

Domestic abuse can affect anyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or any other characteristic or background demographics and to see a diverse audience in attendance was heartening. The discussion was loud! I don’t think I have ever observed a conference workshop so eager to discuss a topic. So many of the discussion points relate to the nature of our roles as careers professionals, as a possible first point of disclosure and the importance knowing where and how to access support. The group raised some new considerations that can be added to the focus group findings in relation to example approaches in the workplace and created some new partnerships for me to explore as I continue with this important work.


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