Current work on unconscious bias and white privilege in career guidance practice

This month will see the publication (in translation) of an article I have written in collaboration with Uuganaa Ramsay, on the importance of addressing unconscious bias and white privilege in career guidance practice, for Skills Norway.

In addition we will be delivering a webinar on this topic on 27th August, for the same organisation. 

We will be sharing our work more widely in coming months. Students on the Postgraduate Diploma in Career Guidance and Development at UWS can also look forward to seeing more in relation to race-aware career practice in their learning this year, as we focus on what we can do as a sector to address racism in our society. 


  1. Thank you very much for discussing the elephant in the room . How can I sign up to the above webinar? Will it be available to watch at a later date. I look forward to reading more on this subject

  2. Hi, I'm afraid this is for members of the Skills Norway network only, but I will post about future deliveries of this work in due course.


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