Find me online - social media update

I have recently been reviewing and refreshing my social media and wider online presence.

If you aren’t already following my new page on LinkedIn, you can follow Dr Emma Bolger – Careers here:

I also have a LinkTree where you can find a summary of my work and links to connect to me on other platforms: 

Connections who work in academia might balk at the idea of having a wider social media presence, but there are some really good reasons for doing so; some are covered in this article from the Open University, The benefits of social media in academia

Career development professionals who have been my students over the years will also recall my teaching on why your online presence matters! For those who are seeking a recap, you might want to spend some of your CPD time completing the FutureLearn Course Create a Professional Online Presence:

Please do connect with me on any social platforms, and recommend any career sector relevant accounts we should all be following!

Emma Bolger LinkTree Page
Use my LinkTree to find me online


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