Putting women off politics? The 2015 General Election Campaign
The number of women turning out to vote in Britain is decreasing despite increases in female parliamentary candidates . In the past twelve months attempts to engage women voters include two heavily criticised examples: the ‘Better Together woman’ with her reminder to the women-folk of Scotland to vote No in the Independence Referendum and Labour’s Pink Bus tour encouraging women to vote in the forthcoming General Election. There has obviously been some research that says non-voting women might be engaged (rather than just enraged ) by this. This type of marketing doesn't appeal to me but I've voted in every election I could since I turned 18; in the UK we can vote in a secret ballot, a basic right that is denied to so many women of the world. As a researcher into career choice, I'm keen to understand why women don't go into male dominated occupations. Positive role models are repeatedly cited as an example of good practice in balancing gender in...