- Gender and Class, NICEC Seminar: Diversifying the Careers Workforce (2023) [Slides]
- Occupational Segregation in Modern Apprenticeships Stockholm International Conference of Research in Vocational Education and Training (2022) [Recorded presentation, available on request]
- Supporting the employability of adults aged 50+ in the post- Covid-19 era The Open University Employability Conference 2022 (2022)
- Researcher Ethics in the CIAG sector Career Development Institute/AGCAS/University of Derby National Research Conference (2022)
- Conducting research as a career development professional Career Guidance and Development CPD Conference Scotland (2022)
- Panel member: Social equity, peace and justice, Career Development Institute National Conference (2021)
- Race equality and career guidance practice (with Uuganaa Ramsay) Career Development Institute (2021)
- Occupational segregation in Modern Apprenticeships Presentation to the Scottish Apprenticeships Advisory Board Gender Commission (2021)
- Conference presentation (with Jens Boernemyer) Family Background and Career Decision-Making Career Guidance and Development Conference Scotland (2021)
- Conference presentation: Ethical Practitioner-Led Research The CDI/AGCAS/ICEGS National Research Conference (2021)
- Webinar: Addressing unconscious bias and white privilege in career guidance practice (with Uuganaa Ramsay), Skills Norway (2020)
- The implications of unconscious bias for careers professionals Career Development Institute Student Conference England (2020) [video accompanied slide deck]
- Domestic abuse and career development practice Career Guidance and Development CPD Conference Scotland (2020)
- Dementia in the workplace: the implications for career development practice (with Dr Louise Ritchie) Career Guidance and Development CPD Conference Scotland (2020)
- Establishing practitioner-led research processes: integrating labour market research into practitioner training Nice Academy (2019)
- Dementia in the workplace: the implications for career development practice (with Dr Valerie Edgell and Dr Louise Ritchie) British Society of Gerontology 48th Annual Conference - Resilience and Living Well in Local Communities (2019)
- Addressing Gendered Career Decision-Making: Adapting career guidance and counselling practice to the contemporary family unit NICEC (2019) [Slides]
- Paper Presentation: Professional Education in Career Guidance and Development: placing equality and diversity activity at the forefront of curriculum design and programme delivery Equality Challenge Unit Conference, Scotland (2018) [Slides]
- Keynote Speech: The `Blueprint´ framework for career learning in Scotland Nordiskt nätverk för vuxnas lärande (2017) Conference Details
- Equality-Aware Career Conversations Career Development Institute Student Conference Scotland, (2017) [Slides]
- E-learning applications in guidance counselling: a Scottish Perspective Guest lecture, Dublin City University (2017) [Slides]
- Hybrids and metatheories: are 'new' career development theories over complicating things? AGCAS Scotland (2017) [Slides]
- Keynote Speech: Equality, inclusion and the career development professional Skills Development Scotland Annual Career Guidance Research Symposium (2017) [Abridged audio and slides]
- Working together to Progress Equalities Career Development Institute (2016)
- Embedding equalities in workbased learning pathways Skills Development Scotland Annual Career Guidance Research Symposium (2016) [Slides]
- The Writer's (Career) Journey National Association of Writers in Education Annual Conference (2015) [Post]
- Doctoral Research in Career Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Skills Development Scotland Annual Career Guidance Research Symposium (2015) [Slides]
- Creative Writing MFAs in the UK The Open University Arts Lecturers Conference (2011)
- International Young Writers National Association of Writers in Education Annual Conference (2009)
- Making Skills Work Network Project/University of Salford (Conference Coordinator) (2007)
- Guest Editor, (2022-2023)
- Unconscious Bias and Race in Career Guidance Practice (with Uuganaa Ramsay), in Career Matters, The CDI (2021)
- Addressing unconscious bias and white privilege in career guidance practice (with Uuganaa Ramsay), Skills Norway (2020)
- Applying the CDI Code of Ethics to Practitioner Research in Career Matters, The CDI (2019)
- The Medium is the Message: Taking a Career Development Approach to Curriculum Design and Delivery at the University of the West of Scotland (with Marjorie McCrory) in Career Matters, The CDI (2018)
- Doctoral Studies in CIAG in Career Matters, The CDI (2016)
- Career History in a Flash (with Janet Moffett) in Career Matters, The CDI (2015)
- Creative Writing Graduates/Career Paths in Writing in Education, NAWE (2010)
- A Story About Nothing - Finding Form in Swamp (2010)
- HE Teaching in WordPlay, English Subject Centre (2009)
- Creative Writing in Higher Education in Writing in Education, NAWE (2004)
- Co-Investigator: Co-produced career guidance intervention for people living with dementia (2021-)
- Olaru, E. and Bolger, E. (2022) Meeting the career development needs of single parents. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling. April 2022: Issue 48
- Bolger, E., Egdell, V. and Ritchie, L. (2021) Dementia in the workplace: the implications for career development practice. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling.
- Gendered career decision-making : occupational segregation in Modern Apprenticeships
(2021) [Link]
Poster Presentations
- PhD Thesis Overview The CDI/AGCAS/ICEGS National Research Conference 2021 (2021) [Poster]
- Addressing gendered career decision-making: adapting career guidance and counselling practice to the contemporary family structure International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance Conference (2019)
- Addressing under-representation in our sector Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe, Academy Conference (2018)
- Poster accepted - unable to attend (maternity leave) International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance Conference (2018)
- PhD Colloquium Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (Business and Management Pathway) (2015)
Peer Reviewer
- The EDI Caucus
- Taylor and Francis
- Trotman
- British Journal of Guidance & Counselling
- Australian Journal of Career Development
- New Media & Society
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity
- Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
- Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability
- [INTERVIEW] Welcome to the Jungle: Career Showers (2024)
- [HEAD JUDGE] Skills Development Scotland 3MT (2024)
- [EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE] CIAG Practitioner-Research: Dissemination Resource written for the CDI (2022)
- [INTERVIEW] BusinessBecause: The Limitations for women in the workplace (2021)
- [REPORT] The Reflection Toolkit, early reflections on its usage at Bridges Programmes The Open University (2013)
- [EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE] Occupational Profiles, AGCAS (2005 –2008)
- [EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE] Making Skills Work Employability Resource Pack, University of Salford/Northwest Development Agency (2007)