
Showing posts from March, 2022

Practitioner-Led Research: finding a space to share your research

I have written a new resource for the CDI, on the dissemination of research produced by CIAG practitioner-researchers.  This resource provides information and guidance on how to share and promote your research. It is available here . If you are keen to take your first steps into research as a career development practitioner, I am now leading CPD short courses on this topic at UWS. For further information go to CGD Short Courses Information on the UWS website.

Supporting the employability of adults aged 50+ in the post Covid-19 era

The OU Employability Conference 2022: expanding the narrative for a rapidly changing world - continuing the conversation takes place in a few weeks.  The programme offers a global perspective on principles of employability. "Higher education institutes (HEIs) have a major role to play in helping nurture students, but their impact is hampered by a narrowed definition of employability that sees them focusing too much on employment. HEIs need to expand the narrative to cover the many reasons why people commit to university study."  I will be presenting a workshop at the conference, taking the opportunity to expand the narrative around employability in HE to older adults, building on the work I am conducting with Professor Valerie Egdell and Dr Louise Ritchie . The abstract for my session is reproduced below. Supporting the employability of adults aged 50+ in the post Covid-19 era   Emma Bolger, University of the West of Scotland, UK Co-authors: Valerie Egdell, Northumbria...